May 26, 2022 Grulla Roan Gray Stallion
"Wrangler" Cee Sandys Cutter x Spark Olena Quincy (Blue Spark Olena) Price: $10,000
Grulla Roan stud colt by Cee Sandys Cutter. Looking forward to this little guy maturing out. This little guy will be the last foal out of Spark Olena Quincy as she sadly died giving birth to him. She gave us a gorgeous grulla roan gray possibly cream stud colt with very unique markings and he will be tested later this summer for his color genes and 5 panel. Will be updating the page gradually as he fills out and matures. Enjoy the album of pictures below that will also be added to continually this summer!! His new Momma is LXH Shining Jetta and she loves him as if he were her very own, and she adopted him when he was two weeks old after she was brought back into milk from her losing her colt in April.